International Business Strategy 
704 41100 
先修科目 : 國際企業管理。國企系大三7選5必修.
Ceiba 課程網頁

In this semester, we are going to discuss a set of newly-written (or revised) cases that aim at shedding light on the critical issues on why and how a firm goes global and competes in the global marketplace, an industry responds to disruptive innovaiton, and a nation makes policy changes.

Introduction to IBS Cases:
Case 1: 盧森堡De Beers+美國Tiffany & Co.-- 面對來自合成鑽石的替代效應, 以及改變中的鑽石之文化價值, 歐美兩大鑽石品牌業者如何做好策略回應?
Case 2: 阿聯酋航空 vs.新加坡航空 -- 兩家各擁區域營運中心優勢的航空業者,如何因應諸如中美貿易戰.武漢肺炎等因素導致需求萎縮, 也為了搶食印度等新興市場大餅而開戰
Case 3: 英國戴森家電 -- 英國確定脫離歐盟後, 戴森決定將其總部移往新加坡, 也將市場中心放在東亞,但既有的供應鏈如何重組?
Case 4: 中國字節跳動/抖音 -- 新崛起之社交影音分享平台, 快速國際化, 打造中國網絡業者同時能成功進軍歐美市場.又席捲印度等新興市場之新典範
Case 5: 加拿大黑莓 -- 透過全球授權策略退出手機市場, 轉進數位安全軟體及物聯網產業, 但轉型策略是否能成功?
Case 6: 美國谷歌 -- AI發展策略以及進軍亞洲市場策略
Case 7: 法國雷諾+日本日產及三菱汽車 -- 為了因應全球汽車業新挑戰, 在權傾一時領導人高恩積極強化三方聯盟的策略一制性, 但又維持了個別公司的組織自主性
Case 8: 韓國BTS(防彈少年團) -- 獨特營運模式以及音樂之社會關懷訴求, 吸引廣大的全球粉絲團(fanbase), 打創文化隔閡, 創造音樂產業奇蹟
Case 9: 台灣鴻海 -- 面對AI驅動之"工業4.0" 大趨勢,採取電子專業代工+ 智能製造雙軌策略, 以獲取新科技領域及川普保護主義下的全球新商機

In-person experiential learning -- i.e., either on an individual or group basis -- lays the groundwork for my teaching on campuses around major universities in Asia for the past 26 years.

To update and enhance my pedagogical approach in line with the global benchmark of the top universities overseas, I have implemented a four-year long “Global Teaching & Research Effectiveness 2.0” project since 2015 on behalf of a Hong Kong-based not-for-profit foundation with an endowment of US$ 140 million up to date. The leading universities that I have visited and benchmarked their teaching protocols include the Harvard U., MIT, Columbia, Wharton School, Stanford U., UC-Berkeley, U. Chicago, U Minnesota, HEC-Montreal, U Sydney, Humboldt U, Berlin Technical U., U Paris, Ecole Polytechique, Waseda, Keio, U Hong Kong, National U Singapore, Beijing U, Beijing Tsinghua, among others.

Our International Business Strategy (IBS) course focuses on the key issues on formation, decision-making, communication & negotiation, and implementation of IBS. By key issues, we mean to leverage and integrate resources to achieve the effectiveness of objective-driven strategic processes, and to improve the efficiency of strategic conduct that links objectives and performance. As open-innovation business eco-systems prevail in current global marketplace, we further intend to redefine international strategy to incorporate strategic challenges across economic, political, cultural & social boundaries.

Regarding the pedagogical approach, we are going to discuss core theories, best business practices, visionary thinking, seamless implementation, and policy implications. In global business environment under strategic uncertainty, flexibility and speed are key to competitive supremacy. You can expect to learn the relevant models and approaches for seeking untapped opportunities, for strengthening economic performance and social legitimacy, for upgrading technical and structural innovation, and for responding to dynamic changes in frontier-, or emerging-, or maturing-economies. 
You can expect to learn timely professional knowledge and experience in global strategy. Also, we will interact and exchange thoughts on the essence of conducting analyses and making discussions on global strategy. Our learning focus is on competitive & cooperative drivers, resources integration, capability deployment, strategic leadership, inter-firm alliance, managing institutional relationship, innovation and entrepreneurship, and acquisition & restructuring in the global marketplace. Finally, Professor Chiu commits to enhance students’ understandings of strategic thinking, decision-making framework, and action programs that are working surely.

To facilitate in-class mutual learning and contributions to each other, Professor Chiu expects you to be present in class on time. Those who arrive at class late should NOT disturb classmates. You are also expected to notify the class TA in e-mail in advance, if you will be absent from an upcoming class. 
Office Hours
每週三 12:00~13:30 備註: and by appointment at mutually convenient time. 
(Textbook -- Everyone must have one copy as a requirement.) Peng, Mike. Global Strategic Management (3rd ed.). US: Wiley & Sons. 
Online Final Exam 
You can expect 4 short-essay questions in the in-class final exam. The exam questions will cover all textual materials taught and discussed in class. The exam date is scheduled to take place on June 16, 2020 (i.e., W16). 
Group Case Study 
We will discuss ten (10) cases in international business strategy. Each study group consisting of max 5 members needs to pick one case to analyze and then to write a case study report. The length of the report should be 2500 words or so (excluding exhibits).  
Online Class Participation 
The grading for your participation for class discussions will be recognized as the “sticker-awarding” system. The total number of stickers collected in every class will be counted toward your contributions to class discussions. To get a highest grade (A+) on this part, you are expected to get at least 10 stickers. The number of stickers your receive will serve the basis for your participation grade. 
2020/3/3  (1) Course Introduction & Class Administration Matters:
(全球策略分析1) 印度"貧民百萬富翁"vs.韓國"寄生上流"的金球獎/奧斯卡獎之路...

(2) Introduction to IBS Cases:
Case 1: 盧森堡De Beers+美國Tiffany & Co.-- 面對來自合成鑽石的替代效應, 以及改變中的鑽石之文化價值, 歐美兩大鑽石品牌業者如何做好策略回應?
Case 2: 阿聯酋航空 vs.新加坡航空 -- 兩家各擁區域營運中心優勢的航空業者,如何因應諸如中美貿易戰.武漢肺炎等因素導致需求萎縮, 也為了搶食印度等新興市場大餅而開戰
Case 3: 英國戴森家電 -- 英國確定脫離歐盟後, 戴森決定將其總部移往新加坡, 也將市場中心放在東亞,但既有的供應鏈如何重組?
Case 4: 中國字節跳動/抖音 -- 新崛起之社交影音分享平台, 快速國際化, 打造中國網絡業者同時能成功進軍歐美市場.又席捲印度等新興市場之新典範
Case 5: 加拿大黑莓 -- 透過全球授權策略退出手機市場, 轉進數位安全軟體及物聯網產業, 但轉型策略是否能成功?
Case 6:美國谷歌 -- AI發展策略以及進軍亞洲市場策略
Case 7:法國雷諾+日本日產及三菱汽車 -- 為了因應全球汽車業新挑戰, 在權傾一時領導人高恩積極強化三方聯盟的策略一制性, 但又維持了個別公司的組織自主性
Case 8:韓國BTS(防彈少年團) -- 獨特營運模式以及音樂之社會關懷訴求, 吸引廣大的全球粉絲團(fanbase), 打創文化隔閡, 創造音樂產業奇蹟
Case 9: 瑞典Spotify -- 全球串流音樂平台的先驅者, 在面對跨文化差別的美國市場. 如何聯手新興市場的明星音樂團體, 再創佳績?
Case 10:美國Activision Blizzard -- 美國電玩及電競產業的龍同產商,在快速成長的全球數位內容產業中, 在產品創新與垂直整合策略獨樹一格.

2020/3/10  (1) The Foundations of strategy and IBS.

(2) The “Surely-Working” Case Study Method & Alternatives:
2019/8 邱教授親赴美國哈佛商學院交流, 就商業個案教學如何因應"線上線下教學整合平台", 發展出最新.也回應社交媒體.分享經濟新挑戰的實體結合虛擬之互動式管理教育新模式

(全球策略分析2) China-based digital giants go global: 騰訊.阿里巴巴.京東. 華為的國際化之路, 策略思維做法各有特色...

In-class group discussion exercises. 
2020/3/17  Global Competition at the Industry- ,Network-,Platform-, and Ecosystem- Levels.

(全球策略分析3) AI(人工智慧)驅動之全球新平台. 新生態體系:
(1)機器學習(Machine Learning)下之精準醫療(Precision Health Care);
(2)深度學習(Deep Learning)之智慧商務(Smart Commerce)

Deadline for Forming the case study group and LINE group.

2020/3/24  (1) Resources and Capabilities.

(2) Impact of COVID-19 on Global Business: Nations and Firms' Strategic Responses 
2020/3/31  Institutions, Culture, and Ethics.

Introductory Case Analysis on Post-Scandal Volkswagen 
2020/4/7  Foreign Market Entries.

Case 1: De Beers_Tiffany & Co.
Discussion Questions:
(1)To which extent, De Beers's well-crafted cultural value of (natural) diamonds has been underminded by the changing consumer demand? In addition, how could De Beers sustain its leadership in diamond production and distribution?

(2) Assess the substitution effect of synthetic diamonds in the global diamond industry.Whether could LVMH's acquisition of Tiffany & Co. be attributed to such disruptive innovation in synthetic diamonds? Stake out your claims.

(3) Strategic responses to cultural and technological changes include mergers and acquisitions.Do you suggest that De Beers ought to take similar strategy to weather the storms? 
2020/4/14  Case 9: 瑞典Spotify
Discussion Questions:
(1) In face of de-globalization triggered by Covid-19 spread in early 2020, could Spotify sustain its leadership in music streaming services across the culture? Why and why NOT.

(2)What's your assessment about the impact of music streaming services providers based on emerging markets -- e.g., China-based Tecent and TikTok -- on Spotify's global market share? In comparison, could regional players intensify local competition against Spotify in the U.S. and U.K. markets?

(3) Comment on the role of K-Pop (Korean Pop music) in implementing Spotify's global strategy across the culture. What could Spotify learn from the evolution of music-streaming services to better build partnership with K-Pop teams for mutual benefits?

Case 10: 美國Activision Blizzard
Discussion Questions:
(1) To what extent, did the acquisition of Major League Gaming affect Activision Blizzar's (AB)e-sport strategy for developing leagues such as Overwatch and Call of Duty?

(2) Comment on the role of mobile gaming in AB's strategy development. What challenge has AB faced in the mobile game landscape?

(3) Describe the ecosystem and monetization approaches of e-sports business. Then, what unique advantage has been commanded by AB?

+ Special Lectures on Global Innovation and Creativity 
2020/4/21  (1) The Entrepreneurial Firm

(2) Nature & Sources of Competitive Advantage for MNEs

Case 2: Emirates vs. Singapore Airlines
Discussion Questions:
(1) How is Coronavirus outbreak affecting the global demand for air-travel? Nevertheless, what factors may also affect the near-term and long-term passenger growth in the global aviation?

(2) In terms of location advantage, what are similarities and differences between Emirates and SIA? To capitalize its own regional-hub advantage, which strategy have both airliners pursued,respectively?

(3) From the standpoint of SIA, how important is its rivalry against Emirates for India's aviation market? In addition, why do major airliners need to either partner with or invest in low-cost air-carriers in emerging markets especially in Asia? 
2020/4/28  (1) Strategic Networks and Alliances.

(2) Global Industries, Networks, Platforms, and Ecosystems

Case 3: Dyson in Post-Brexit
Discussion Questions:
(1) In response to Brexit (UK leaving EU),Dyson decided to relocate its headquarters to Singapore. Do you think that this is a smart strategic decision? To which extent, Dyson's current supply chain networks may need to be restructured?

(2) Dyson is famous for its disruptive innovation capability for consumer electronics products. Do you agree on that the company's capability can be leveraged to the electric vehicle (EV) venture? Even this EV project is scraped for the time being, do you suggest reconsidering the EV venture with different strategy? If not, please explain the reasons.If yes, which strategic option do you recommend the most?

(3) Why has East Asia attracted Dyson to refocus its production and distribution on this region? In particular, what did the production and marketing experiences in Singapore and Malaysia affect this strategic shift in the post-Brexit era? 
2020/5/5  (1) Global Competitive Dynamics

(2) Managing Evolution in Global Contexts

Case 4: ByteDance/TikTok(Douyin)
(1) How important are video-sharing services for attracting users and then generating advertising revenues? In TikTok's strategy evolution into a powerful video-sharing platform, which moves are key to its success?

(2) What's unique in ByteDance's business model? To which extent, the company may ride on its AI-powered platforms to challenge Tencent's leadership in China-based digital gaming?

(3) In terms of competitive dynamics in the digital content services, assess the competitive advantages vs. disadvantages between ByteDance and its key competitors internationally -- e.g., Facebook -- and domestically -- e.g., Tencent. 
2020/5/12  Diversification and Acquisitions

Case 5: BlackBerry
Discussion Questions:
(1) Why did BlackBerry (then named RIM) fail to sustain its success in the smartphone market in USA after 2007? What exit strategy did the company pursue for its smartphone business?

(2) To seek a viable turnaround, how did BlackBerry reposition itself? To implement this strategy, what moves did the company take?

(3) Do you think that the outlook of BlackBerry will be a great turnaround or fall a prey to potential takeover? Stake out your claims. 
2020/5/19  Multinational Strategies, Structures, and Learning

Case 6: Alphabet/Google
Discussion Questions:
(1) Do you think that strategy-structure alignment concerns may arise from Google's global expansion in emerging economies? What drives Google to seek opportunities actively for entering India, China, and Southeast Asia?

(2) What’s unique in Alphabet’s strategy for stretching into the AI-centric ecosystem? To which extent, DeepMind's track-record in game/chess contests against top human players supports Alaphbet's AI strategy development?

(3) How will Google ambition for leadership in emerging technologies may be under-minded by competition from other technology leaders, such as Amazon and Microsoft in the cloud business? Will such competitive dynamics affect the likelihood of success in Google's proposed xIA future?
2020/5/26  Corporate Governance around the World

Case 7: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi
Discussion Questions:
(1) What motivated France-based Renault to form a car alliance with its Japanese counterparts -- Nissan and Mitsubishi? To which extent, the ownership structure may have either positively or negatively affected the strategic leadership and corporate governance of Renault-Nissan?

(2) Comment on the strategic leadership of Carlos Ghosn, in terms of his managerial roles in the RNM Alliance. Since Mr. Ghosn escaped from Japan,what potential impacts his action may have on the future of the Alliance?

(3) Do you think that the Japan's legal system has adverse effects on attracting and retaining global executives who might be insensitive to the cultural differences between their home countries and Japan as the host country? Explain the reasons why and why not. 
2020/6/2  Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Case 8: BTS (Bulletproof Boy Scouts, 防彈少年團)
Discussion Questions:
(1) How unique is BTS's mission and positioning in the K-Pop? In riding on the wave of social media such as YouTube, what moves did BTS make for globalization?

(2) What drove the rise of K-Pop in the global entertainment industry? To which extent, K-pop groups as a whole are unique compared to their international peers?

(3) As online music streaming become more important for revenue generation than otherwise, what strategy should BTS pursue to sustain its success in the global pop-music market? Stake out your claims. 
2020/6/9  (1) Case Study Wrap-up

(2)四月份線上課程 複習

(3)提交學期報告proposal:需取得本課程教師的同意, 才可進行.
2020/6/16  五月份線上課程 複習

個案報告課堂發表 -- 採自願制,需先向課代登記 
2020/6/23  學期報告課堂發表 -- 採志願制,需先向課代登記
(學期報告繳交時間: 6/29 下午5時)

Course Wrap-up 
2020/6/30  End-of-the-Semester IBS Learning & Career Consulting